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Bartu-NSR Method Workshop with Sebastian Bartu

€ 35,00
09 juli 2024 19:30 - 22:00 UUR
Bartu-NSR Method Worksh...
€ 35,00
09 juli 2024 19:30 - 22:00 UUR
les wordt gegeven doorSebastian Bartu
09 juli 2024 19:30 - 22:00 UUR
€ 35,00

Bartu-NSR Method Workshop
"Self Back Pain Release, Digestive Tract Empowerment and Neurological Stress Management"

Discover simple, safe, and effective self-healing techniques to instantaneously reduce stress, remove back pain, increase the function of the digestive organs, balance out the nervous system, and optimize mental resilience and well-being- Learn how to reprogram your entire respiratory system to increase dopamine levels and reduce cortisol and other harmful stress hormones.

Discover the 3 biggest mistakes people make when trying to reduce their stress, heal their back pain and shoulder pain, and learn how to avoid them. Discover easy and effective ways to release tension in muscles and joints that are the most compromised by spending hours sitting and working on a computer Learn unique evolutionary strength training to trigger the production of happy and stress-releasing hormones and increase blood flow to the brain to optimize work productivity, focus, creativity, and decision-making.

What is the Bartu-NSR Method?
Neuro Somatic Reprogramming® - The Bartu Method® is a unique method that integrates powerful techniques of Osteopathy, Psychology, Yoga, Mindfulness, and Mixed Martial Arts. Using simple and safe techniques you can reprogram your brain to send new health-empowering and pain-releasing signals throughout your body. These new signals unblock your physical, mental, and emotional structures and allow you to remove years of chronic pain, balance out your nervous system, and be the healthiest strongest version of yourself. 

Sebastian Bartu C.O.

Sebastian Bartu grew up in Singapore and started studying Karate and Qi Gong at the age of 8. At 18, he fell in love with yoga and spent several months living in an ashram in India. Fascinated by human health, he returned to Switzerland and completed his diploma in Psychology and became a certified Sivananda Yoga Instructor. Eager to learn more he started to study Osteopathy in Switzerland. He spent several years working as a freelance osteopath in chronic pain clinics in different countries including Brazil, Thailand, Malaysia, and Canada. After 3 years of constantly traveling Sebastian had a burnout and was forced to stop treating patients because he suffered from chronic neurological pains in his arms and shoulders. He went back to his books and studied intensely anatomy, biomechanics, and human evolutionary patterns of movement and did extensive research on the hormonal system. After several months of research and experimentation, he was able to restore his health 100%. He developed a unique simple method to reprogram the nervous system and remove injuries and pain in different parts of the body: Neuro Somatic Reprogramming® - The Bartu-NSR Method.

Visit to try this method for free by download a free online course. 

Date: Tuesday 9 July, 2024
Time: 19.30 - 22.00 hr
Place: De Nieuwe Yogaschool, Amsterdam
Price: 35,00
